Dogs training

Dogs training
Man is the highest creatures on the face of the earth, God has used it to live it, and ridiculed all that it has to serve the animals and animals and mountains and plants and other things that help to continuity, and animals are the most important things as a companion to the human, and the benefits of Behind them, there are animals used in food, and others in travel and travel, and the third uses the parts in the manufacture of his clothes.

Because of this great importance to animals, God Almighty has commanded the human being to be gentle with them, and soft in dealing with them, and even to make the best deal of the greatest penalty, and in return to punish all those who do not deal with them, and perhaps the biggest evidence of this famous stories that we all know, A woman shot because of a small cat who imprisoned her. She did not feed her or leave her to eat from the grass. At the same time, a man entered the immortal garden when he watered a dog, and his soul ran in the desert. He used his shoes to fill the water with the well.

Some animals do not know what is the rule of sharia in raising a house dog, as well as judging the purity of the dog, so we have prepared this article to explain these things in some detail .

How to Breed
About Dog Breeding at Home
The idea of ​​raising dogs in homes has recently spread among many people. The reasons for this vary. Some people love dog breeding for fun and recreation, while others use it as a kind of guard, especially those living in remote and remote places. The dog is used as a hunting method.

Whatever the reasons for breeding dog, the process of education is not easy or simple, but needs a lot of information, as well as patience and perseverance.

We also advise you: information about dogs.

Dog Breeding Steps
Dog breeding needs many steps and controls such as:

Full care
In general, pets need to be fully cared for. The dog’s health needs to be taken care of, and it is constantly followed. It starts with healthy and clean food, good drinking water and comprehensive care for the food and drink. Bacteria or fungus that may harm the dog as well as individuals and animals surrounding it.

If you have any abnormal symptoms, you should visit your veterinarian immediately so that any serious losses are avoided. Many dog ​​diseases are contagious and can cause damage. Surrounding animals.

The process of fertilizing dogs
In fact, there is a significant difference in the legality of the process of fertilization of dogs, but in general the process of castration is a medical surgery, conducted by the dog by a veterinarian, which is intended to prevent dogs from reproduction completely, and this is when the dogs are six months , And it must be emphasized that it is necessary to refer to Dar al-Ifta before taking that step, to make sure the ruling is legitimate.

Tame the dogs
The process of taming is one of the most important steps in the process of dog breeding, and is meant to train the dog on the conditions of the owner, and the full obedience, this step makes the dog deals in a good manner, and avoid any problems, so everyone is advised to process the process, Whenever he did something right.

We also advise you: train dogs to obey.

Visit the veterinary clinic
Certainly, the most knowledgeable of all things related to dogs are veterinarians. Therefore, the owner of the dog should be used to visit the veterinarian periodically so that the dog’s health is assured, as well as all the necessary inquiries in terms of hygiene, food and all other matters.

Important notes should be followed when carrying out dog breeding in the home

If there is an urgent need to raise the dog at home, it is fine to take into account those important notes

Dogs must first be instructed to dispose of their waste in a special place, so that the transmission of diseases is avoided.
Take good care of your dog’s health, and perform a comprehensive checkup periodically.
Allocate a specific place where the dog is, where he sleeps and dine, and try as far as possible to be away from the children’s rooms, and it is always recommended that it be in the garden of the house.
Avoid friction with children as much as possible play with the dog.
What Islam said about raising a dog at home
Islam is considered unclean and unclean, so it is forbidden to raise it at home, except for three cases, namely education for hunting, education for insurance and guarding cattle, and finally education for agriculture and plowing, as confirmed by the words of the Messenger of Allah The Prophet also warned that any vessel by which the dog licked seven times with dirt should be washed, so that any bacteria that had been transferred to it would be killed.

Are there any damages from raising your dog at home?
It is very unfortunate that many people raise a dog in their home unnecessarily and do not realize how dangerous it is to their lives. It conveys a wide range of serious and difficult to treat diseases. It is known that a dog’s intestines are called a worm. In addition, when the dog defecates, the worm and its eggs go out with the waste. This worm is likely to reach humans in two ways. The first is through the human contact with the dog’s waste, and then the food and drink. The worm reaches the human stomach, The second is from x The dog itself, is based permanently. A dog Baalq his anus with his tongue, and therefore those worms and their eggs up to the tongue, and when suspended for any dog ​​Shi tools and collectibles home, the worm is transmitted to the vase and then human.

What did science say about kennel?
After many scientific research, a large number of facts have been proven about dogs, such as many diseases, mainly rabies, which is transmitted to humans through dog saliva, one of the most serious diseases; In many cases, especially in Asia and Africa, if tens of thousands have already died from the disease.

We also suggest you: Facts about dogs.

The danger of dogs is also in the bites performed by them, which are exposed to children more than adults, and may cause these bites also disease rabies ..

When the dog is in the house, family members will be exposed to their waste in one way or another, exposing them to the disease of “water bags”, as the waste contains the so-called barworm, and this worm lay eggs in the waste, and when touched by hand, By preparing food or drink, that egg moves to the food, and then the respiratory system, and this disease is the most difficult diseases, it on the one hand does not show symptoms striking, remains in the body without knowing the human, and when it is discovered treatment through surgical intervention.

It is worth mentioning that the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) ordered to wash the vessel in which the dog drank or ate three times in the soil, until the virus was completely eradicated. As confirmed by modern science, where it was confirmed that the soil contains substances that kill bacteria, and is the only substance that can kill the virus of the dog that is attached to the wall of pots.